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Friday, August 22, 2008

Not an actual university.

Now, the Swinburne Grand Opening is tomorrow
where Swinburne celebrates 100 years as an established tertiary institution.
We have new buildings, better facilities and higher tech gear.
More importantly, Swinburne is considered to be the best university in Kuching.
Congratulations, Swinburne.
However to all students and gullible douches out there
I would like to clarify that although Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak
is a university.
It is hell yeah far from looking like one.

Call me an ingrate, call me a noob, spam me or whatever.
I am being the white hat here.
and I say Swinburne is far from looking like an actual university.

You see, although we have new buildings,
although we have the latest Dell Computers in it
although we have the highly hyped but overrated lecture theater
although we have a great little centre piece thing in the university

Swinburne is missing a few things, allow me to bullet them and then elaborate
  • A swimming pool
  • Larger library
  • Larger land area
  • Water feature as a centre piece
  • Stairs that lead to the stairs to the main building
  • Architecture
  • A large gym
  • A better student lounge
Swimming Pool
An addition of the swimming pool DOES NOT put Swinburne into the same level as a hotel. You don't have people to serve you drinks and give you towels. Plus jacuzzi, spa and massage parlours are needed to be considered as one.

Large library
Other universities (especially overseas) the library is actually one building itself not only one floor of a building. Plus the shelves should be wood and books should be crammed together. Its so empty. So many space over there.

Larger land area
I hate the fact that my next lecture is just down the hall or just next door. And that it doesn't take me 40 minutes to walk to my next lecture and the breaks in between are not long.

Water feature
Water brings peace, calm and tranquility. I want a nice water feature.

Stairs that lead to the stairs that lead to the main building
Now Swinburne has those tiny steps that lead to the main building. What I want is the stairs that lead to those steps like Constance Billard's in Gossip Girl

Swinburne's new buildings are so artificial, lifeless Lego blocks. Clifford will be disgusted, honestly, so square. A little art in the bricks is not that bad you know. Make it cool, like Curtin's.

A large gym
The current gym is a small, cramped, smelly and musty room. Yuck. When are you guys gonna install the new one and add showering facilities?

A better student lounge.
A large plasma screen TV, leather couches, proper air conditioning are something that are NOT available in the lounge. I don't think it should be called a lounge cause the lobby is more of one and the current lounge should be renamed to student squatting area. Plus the furniture there are kinda busted.

So that's about it really
Wait till I think of more.

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